1º Meeting

In partnership with Unochapecó, UFFS, ASCOOPER, Chapecó City Hall, Instituto Saga and Instituto André Voisin, the PRV Center promoted the 1st Pan-American Meeting on Agroecological Pasture Management – PRV in the Americas. The event took place from September 29th to October 1st, 2011 in Chapecó, SC. The main objective of the meeting was to promote a first meeting for the exchange of experiences, dissemination of research results in the area, bringing together farmers, technicians, managers, researchers, professors and students. The program included lectures, roundtables and workshops with renowned experts in the field, producers with extensive experience in PRV and technicians from Brazil, the United States, Cuba, Chile and Argentina.

Annals – Cadernos de Agroecologia (2011)