PRV Meetings

The meetings are part of the PRV Network extension project. The meetings aim to collaborate in the integration between students, teachers, rural producers, researchers and other interested parties who work or are interested in agriculture with sustainable technologies, especially PRV.

The goals are:

  • Remotely bring together actors involved with PRV and Agroecology;
  • Establish and disseminate, with network actors, the promotion of PVR so that there is frequent communication and interaction;
  • Gather, systematize and share technical-scientific information resulting from research and experiences in agroecological management of pastures.

The meetings take place monthly, on Tuesdays of the third week of each month, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (UTC-3 – Brasília/BR).

The transmission is made live through our YouTube channel, with no limit of participants.
It is also possible to follow the meeting via Google Meet with a limit of 100 participants. The link is shared one week before the meeting for network participants (if you are not yet registered, please do so!).
Meetings are recorded and made available on the same day as the meeting on our YouTube channel.


I Meeting of the PRV Network – 18/05/2021
Theme: Network presentation and brief history of the PRV

The PRV Network is an extension project of the Voisin Rational Grazing Center (PRV) linked to the Laboratory of Applied Ethology and Animal Welfare (LETA) of CCA/UFSC. In this first meeting, the proposed network activities were presented and a brief history of the PRV was presented with the special participation of Professor Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Machado Fº.

Watch the recording
Listen to our Podcast I Meeting PRV

II Meeting of the PRV Network – 15/06/2021
Dynamic Application of Universal Laws of Rational Pastoring

André Voisin described the laws of rational shepherding in the book “Grass Productivity” (1957). The study of the behavior of pastures and the relationship between plant and animal forms the basis of Rational Voisin Grazing. Las leyes son: rest, occupation, maximum tickets and regular tickets. From the application of the laws, some management implications arise. This was the theme of our second meeting by the red PRV.

Watch on YouTube II Meeting of the PRV Network
Listen to our Podcast II Meeting of the PRV Network

Upcoming meetings

III Meeting of the PRV Network – 20/07/2021
Theme: Tribute to LCPM

Watch on YouTube soon
Listen to our Podcas coming soon

IV Meeting of the PRV Network – 17/08/2021
Theme:Compensation Methods for Seasonal Fluctuation of Pasture Growth

Watch on YouTube soon
Listen to our Podcas coming soon

V Meeting of the PRV Network – 21/09/2021
Theme:Errors and Successes of the Application of the First and Second Laws of the PRV

Watch on YouTube soon
Listen to our Podcas coming soon

VI Meeting of the PRV Network – 19/10/2021
Theme: Errors and Successes in the Application of the Third and Fourth Laws of the PRV

Watch on YouTube soon
Listen to our Podcas coming soon