Post-graduation in Agroecosystems
The Postgraduation Course (Academic Master) in Agroecosystems (PGA) was created on December 22, 1994 by Resolution No. 068 of the Teaching, Research and Extension Council of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, joining its first class in March of 1995.
Linked to the Agricultural Sciences Center, its creation is the result of a joint effort by the Departments of Rural Engineering, Zootechnics and Rural Development and part of the Department of Phytotechnics, in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Corporation in Rural Extension (EPAGRI).
The epistemological challenge of PGA is the search for an interdisciplinary approach to human-environment and agricultural relations, through the perception of the meaning of any and all specialized knowledge in the context of the cultural complex in which it may be relevant.
In March 2013, he obtained approval for the offer of the Doctoral Course in Agroecosystems, which started in August of the same year, with the admission of six students.
1.Concentration Area: AGROECOLOGY
Agroecology is defined as the study of ecological phenomena that occur in agricultural crops, animal husbandry systems and forest systems managed by humans. Studies in this area of concentration seek to incorporate ecological interactions, emphasizing positive interactions as a fundamental aspect of the productivity of agricultural ecosystems, valuing the energetic, environmental, social, economic and cultural dimensions of agro-ecosystems.
1.1 Line of Research: Agroecosystemic approaches to production processes
The aim is to combine the development of new techniques and procedures with the investigation of ecological factors involved in the management of productive resources and their environmental impacts. The studies carried out here aim to promote productive alternatives within the use of agroecological principles, considering the impacts of productive processes, their environmental externalities and environmental and agro-ecosystem services.
1.1.1 Research Project: Soil and water management and conservation
Through the integration of techniques related to the management and conservation of soil and water, we seek to create the necessary conditions to maintain, restore and understand the complex ecological relationships between soil, water, plants and animals, conserving and / or accelerating the recovery process in agroecosystems, especially those that have lost their productive capacity due to different uses, agricultural and non-agricultural. With regard to the high use of fertilizers, pesticides and excessive soil preparation, an attempt is made to reconcile economic production with environmental preservation, evaluating the use of cover crops, in order to maintain the advantages of the no-till system without using herbicides.
1.1.2 Research Project: Agroecological systems for animal and plant production
This project is about carrying out studies of different agroecological productive systems. Specifically, the technical, socioeconomic and environmental results of different productive systems are compared, with emphasis on the agroforestry and pasture-based milk production systems associated with pasture management called Pastoreio Racional Voisin (PRV). These systems are conceived as agroecological socio-technical alternatives for family agricultural units.
1.2 Research Line: Ethology, Breeding and Animal Welfare
In response to a demand for ethics in society, the need arose to assess and, when appropriate, improve the welfare of animals raised for zootechnical purposes or simply handled by humans. The scientific study of well-being is based on Ethology. Solutions for animal welfare, in addition to the scientific basis, need to be sustainable from an economic, environmental and social point of view. Therefore, they should favor systems that reduce the dependence on non-renewable inputs and external to the rural establishment and do not pollute the environment, considering in addition to the ethical questioning regarding the treatment of animals involved in the process, the well-being of people involved in the same process, conditions of farmers’ work, health and access to quality food in adequate quantities for the consumer.
1.2.1 Research Project: Animal behavior and ethics in animal production
Studies of ingestive, maternal and social behavior, including the human-animal relationship of zootechnical animals, and the study of the behavior of wild animals are essential for the development of systems that meet the premises described in the research line. This project aims to study aspects of the health, behavior, performance and welfare of the animals directly and indirectly involved in the food production process, always in relation to economic, social and environmental aspects of the production systems. Legislation and education regarding animal welfare are also addressed in this project.
1.3 Line of Research: Evolution, management and conservation of agrobiodiversity
Agrobiodiversity can be understood as the product of the processes of permanent interaction between the physical environment, genetic resources and the management systems and practices used by culturally diverse populations. It encompasses the study of the use and functions of the diversity of plants, animals and microorganisms necessary for agricultural ecosystems, the domestication of species and landscapes and the processes used for this purpose by traditional populations. This line of research aims to understand the relationships between human populations and agrobiodiversity, with a view to promoting strategies for their conservation and use. It also studies the domestication processes for the construction of anthropic landscapes, the cognitive factors that induce them (values, cultural perceptions, policies, evolutionary bases, legal frameworks) and the management systems applied to their formation.
1.3.1 Research Project: Native flora and fauna and their ecosystems
Brazilian and South American natural ecosystems are home to a rich diversity of resources, which offer valuable opportunities for the production of food and fiber, in addition to environmental services, including those that promote cultural, spiritual and aesthetic values. This research project aims to understand the potential of these ecosystems to meet these demands, benefiting rural and urban populations. In specific terms, it aims to promote the conservation of natural ecosystems through their valorisation; understand the ecology, uses and traditional management systems of the species of interest; develop sustainable systems for the use of these species for the production of environmental goods and services.
1.3.2 Research Project: Genetic resources of agroecosystems
When controlling their genetic resources, they become more autonomous, contributing to the security and food sovereignty of the country. This project aims to study and rescue genetic resources traditionally produced and cultivated by family farmers. Knowing its potential in comparison to hybrid and transgenic genetic resources aims to promote its conservation inside and outside agroecosystems, in addition to the generation of better quality raw materials and foods with less environmental impact. Identifying plant genetic resources maintained by family farmers with potential for use in agroecosystems is also one of the purposes of this Research Project.
More information: PPG em Agroecossistemas
Follow the PPGA: @ppgagroecossistemas