Letter on sponsorship Real Madrid – Meatless Farm 2021

08/06/2021 22:09

Entities and organizations in the agroecological and regenerative sector of agriculture, from Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Brazil and Spain wrote a letter to Real Madrid leaders, referring to the news of the sponsorship between the sports club and producer Meatless Farm vegetables.

The pioneering organizations in Agroecology and Regenerative Livestock share Real Madrid’s idea of ​​discouraging the consumption of industrialized and ultra-processed meats and even disappearing or changing its production system, which is dependent on agrochemicals and dependent on fossil fuels.

However, with the aim of disseminating a broader view of the contribution that a well-managed livestock sector can make to environmental sustainability, it intends to create a communication channel with Real Madrid that will also make it possible to make this reality known.

The letter expresses the similarity that industrialized meat production has with the current proposal for “meats” of vegetable origin, which excludes them from being a solution from the point of view of social, environmental and nutritional sustainability. they depend on the intensive use of agrochemicals and machinery with a high dependence on fossil fuels, based on monocultures mainly of transgenic soybean fumigated with insecticides and herbicides.

On the other hand, the agroecological view applied to grazing animals not only respects biology and ecosystems, but also produces healthy food ​​and has the ability to capture atmospheric carbon and capture it in the soil. All this supported by scientific articles, news and videos that accompany the letter signed by organizations and entities from the 4 countries mentioned at the beginning.

Read the full letter:Carta respecto al Patrocinio Real Madrid – Meatless Farm 2021