Who was Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Machado?
Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Machado (1928-2020) was the creator and main promoter of the PRV. He got to know André Voisin’s ideas during a visit to France and soon applied it to his farm in Taquara / RS. During the long years of experience he made changes to his project, but always based on the “Universal Laws of Rational Pastoring”. In 1970 he created the André Voisin Institute where he invented the Pastoreio Racional Voisin (PRV) and gave hundreds of courses and lectures around the world disseminating the PRV. He wrote several books, not only on PRV, but he was also influential in the areas of: Swine, for the transformation and substitution of the use of lard pig for pig meat; Ethology, when teaching the first discipline of ethology for agricultural science courses in Latin America; Agroecology, for spreading the ideas of both the agroecological management of pastures, the PRV, as well as against soil disturbance and the use of agrochemicals.
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