Who was André Voisin?

16/04/2021 15:39

André Voisin (1903-1964)

André Marcel Voisin (1903-1964) was the brilliant creator of the “Universal Laws of Rational Pastoring” enunciated in the book “Grass Productivity” (1956). He was born in France in 1903 and lived his childhood in Dieppe. In 1923 he graduated in Physics-Chemistry from the School of Physics-Chemistry in Paris, he fought with the French army in World War II. After his participation in the war, he returned to France to manage a 130 ha farm, “Le Talou”, taking care of the study of pastures, also organizing a cooperative of “natural, clean and healthy milk producers”. Voisin wrote several other books, in addition to the aforementioned, which served as a basis for the planning and elaboration of the fundamentals of Voisin Rotational Grazing. On December 21, 1964, on a visit to Cuba to teach a course at the University of Havana, Voisin confided to his wife Marthe Rosine Voisin: “Today I will give the best conference of my life” and on the night of this day, André Voisin passed away leaving his legacy to the world and the Cuban people.

Do you want to know more details about his story? Check the section “History” -> “André Voisin” on the left side of the website or click here.