3º Meeting
The Pan American Meeting on Agroecological Pasture Management – PRV in the Americas, for the first time, took place outside Brazil. The meeting was held in the city of Rufino in the premises of the “Sociedad Rural de Rufino”, located in the province of Santa Fé, Argentina, from November 13 to 15, 2018. It was organized by the Laboratory of Applied Ethology and Animal Welfare of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (LETA) in partnership with the property “El Verdadero Paraiso” (one of the most successful experiences in agroecological management in PRV in the world). 95 people participated in the meeting, where three lectures, four roundtables and 14 papers and/or experience reports were presented and ended with a visit to the Voisin Rational Pastoral project “El Veradero Paraiso”, which has more than 25 years of agroecological management.