About the Core
The Core of Rational Grazing Voisin (PRV) – UFSC is a research and extension group in pasture management. It aims to improve the PRV method and disseminate it through teaching and extension actions. The team at the PRV Nucleus are undergraduate students (agronomy and zootechnics), postgraduate students, masters and doctors under the coordination of Professor Dr. Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Machado Filho.
Although the PRV has been present in Education, Research and Extension at the Department of Zootechnics and Rural Development since the early 1980s, it was only in 1998 that the Center was created by Professor Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Machado Filho. Our work is inspired by the teachings left by André Marcel Voisin, Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Machado, Nilo Romero and Mário Luiz Vincenzi, with the intention of researching and expanding the knowledge of agroecological management of pastures in the creation of animals that live on pasture.
We are very proud to say that we are pioneers in the study of this wonderful form of animal husbandry, which is environmentally friendly, economically viable, socially inclusive and compatible with animal welfare. Through PRV, substantial increases in the natural fertility of the soil have been achieved, making pastures perennial and productive, resulting in improvements in animal productivity. In this context, rational grazing takes place through the encounter of the animal with the pasture (Voisin, 1974), commanded by the human (Pinheiro Machado, 2002).
The PRV Nucleus is closely linked to the André Voisin Institute (IAV) created in the 1970s by Professor Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Machado, with the aim of disseminating and promoting the PRV. Until the death of Professor Pinheiro Machado (03/07 / 1928-02 / 07/2020), the IAV taught exactly one hundred PRV courses throughout the national territory and in several countries in America and Europe.
Many professionals, producers and researchers today work with PRV, not only in Brazil, but also in several countries such as Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Uruguay, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Italy, France and States United. This page will be dedicated to disseminating the principles of PRV, as well as research and extension projects that are developed by the Center.